Here are the Oil and Gas Events for January 2023:
January 16-18: Petroleum Systems of the Middle East. Event Location: Muscat, Oman. The purpose of this workshop is to address subjects as the sedimentary basins of the Middle East, Source Rocks, Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs and to discuss the main challenges present in our current understanding of petroleum systems in the Middle East. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.aapg.org/global/middleeast/events/workshop/articleid/63543
January 16-18: SPE Virtual Workshop: Operational HSE, Technical & Asset Integrity, and Process Safety. Event Location: Virtual [UT+8]. The goal of this workshop is to present a unified, integrative view of all aspects of safety, both operational and technical perspectives, and further explore the synergies between them. This is the chance for us to hear and discuss challenges, issues, and proposed solutions from operators, contractors and service companies, regulatory bodies, and academics, with a regional perspective. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.spe.org/events/en/2023/workshop/23wm02/operational-hse-technical-asset-integrity-process-safety
January 17–18: SPE Symposium: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Shape the Future of the Energy Industry. Event Location: Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia. The symposium brings together professionals from academia, industry, and government to exchange their digital technology ideas and breakthroughs in order to deliver tomorrow’s energy more sustainably, efficiently, and safely. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.spe-events.org/artificial-intelligence
January 17-19: World of Concrete 2023. Event Location: Las Vegas, USA. World of Concrete is 100% of what you need to keep grinding it out through disruptions to the supply chain, safety and beyond. Get your hands on advanced technology and machinery, access the newest training and techniques in concrete and masonry, and build momentum for another unstoppable year. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.worldofconcrete.com/en/attendee.html
January 19: Private Capital Conference. Event Location: Houston, Texas. This event seeks to help operators determine how they can approach different providers to meet their needs. We examine who has capital to invest, how the rules have changed for companies seeking capital and talk about evolving industry trends that affect capital providers and capital seekers alike. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.ipaa.org/events/private-capital-conference-2023/
January 19: KS Oil & Gas Day Legislative Reception. Event Location: Kansas, USA. The event has proven to be very effective for building good will and providing an opportunity for our industry to communicate with legislators on issues important to our industry. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://kioga.org/events1/ks-oil-gas-day-legislative-reception-291/
January 23-25: SPE Workshop: Oil and Gas Technology for a Net-Zero World – Defining Our Grand Challenges for the Next Decade. Event Location: Austin, Texas. Many O&G companies are expanding into renewables, while other companies are investing to develop a scalable carbon capture system. In addition, new technology now is driven not just by major companies, but also by venture investments across a diverse range of technologies. Our actions in this decade will define not only our pathway to meet 2050 net-zero goals, but also the new operating models for O&G companies both in traditional and in new energy markets such as storage, renewables and smart grids. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.spe.org/events/en/2023/workshop/23jaus/oil-and-gas-technology-for-a-net-zero-world.html
January 23-25: Caribbean Energy Conference. Event Location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Caribbean Energy Conference is the premier energy event, giving you critical information about the transformation of energy markets in the region. Network and do business with colleagues representing over 20 countries from around the world. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://ihsmarkit.com/events/caribbean-energy-conference/overview.html
January 23-27: Exploration and Production Standards Winter Meeting. Event Location: New Orleans, Louisiana. Offshore Structures, Tubular Goods, Valve & Wellhead Equipment, Drilling Structures, Well Cements, Field Operating Equipment, Drilling, Completion and Fluids are some of the topics this event will bring. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://events.api.org/2023-exploration-and-production-winter-standards-meeting/
January 24-26: SPE Transatlantic Virtual Workshop: Onshore Plugging and Abandonment. Event Location: Virtual [UTC]. Discussions in this workshop will be focussed around ways to abandon wells on land as cheap as possible, but no cheaper. One of the biggest challenges for our industry is the large population of orphan wells that are awaiting proper abandonment. This is tightly linked to the increasing attention on methane emissions: these are quickly becoming critical for our social license to operate. We need to be able to identify high risk wells that will be difficult to abandon, and then deploy adequate technologies. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.spe.org/events/en/2023/workshop/23atop/onshore-plugging-and-abandonment.html
January 24–26: SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition. Event Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The eighth edition of the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition continues the momentum of the previous seven editions to bring together geoscientists, reservoir, and petroleum engineers, along with data scientists to address advances in the emerging technologies to unlock reservoir potentials under the most attractive economic conditions. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.spe-events.org/reservoir-characterisation
January 24-27: API/AGA Joint Committee on Pipeline Welding Practices 2023. Event Location: New Orleans, Louisiana. Mechanized Welding, Weld Procedures and Welder Qualifications, Maintenance Welding and Fracture Mechanics are some of the topics this event will present. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://events.api.org/2023-api-aga-joint-committee-on-pipeline-welding-practices/
January 29-31: SPE Workshop: Analytics and Data Science – The Results Accelerator. Event Location: Alberta, Canada. The goal of this workshop is to highlight the business value of utilizing these skills in oil and gas applications while creating a workshop that can still accommodate and provide value to a larger audience that has a wide range of analytic and data science skills, roles and interests. The workshop will provide different tracks for attendees to follow based on their skill level and interests. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.spe.org/events/en/2023/workshop/23aca1/analytics-and-data-science-the-result-accelerator.html
January 31–February 02: SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition. Event Location: The Woodlands, Texas. This conference features diverse topics denoting intelligent technologies, sustainable developments, and practices supporting the various stages of the hydraulic fracturing delivery system, including simulation and completion designs, computational fluid dynamics, machine learning algorithms, diagnostic utilization, and more. Oil and Gas Event Information and Registration: https://www.spe-events.org/hydraulicfracturing/Homepage
Would you like to add, edit or suggest any other changes to the Oil and Gas Events list? Contact us at [email protected]